Shiny app to create maps on-the-fly from output of the baytrends package.


The baytrends package was developed to enable users to evaluate long-term trends in the Chesapeake Bay using a Generalized Additive Modeling (GAM) approach. The model development includes selecting a GAM structure to describe nonlinear seasonally-varying changes over time, incorporation of hydrologic variability via either a river flow or salinity, the use of an intervention to deal with method or laboratory changes suspected to impact data values, and representation of left- and interval-censored data. This approach, which is fully transferable to other systems, allows for Chesapeake Bay water quality data to be evaluated in a statistically rigorous, yet flexible way to provide insights to a range of management- and research-focused questions.


Maintenance lifecycle

License: MIT


GitHub issues


if(!require(remotes)){install.packages("remotes")}  #install if needed
install_github("tetratech/baytrendsmap", force=TRUE, build_vignettes=TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)


No functions other than running the Shiny app.


To aid staff in creating maps and exploring output of baytrends package.