Plot censored gam fits vs. time
gamResult = gamResult,
analySpec = analySpec,
fullModel = 2,
seasAvgModel = 2,
seasonalModel = 2,
diffType = "regular",
obserPlot = TRUE,
interventionPlot = TRUE,
seasAvgPlot = TRUE,
seasAvgConfIntPlot = TRUE,
seasAvgSigPlot = TRUE,
fullModelPlot = TRUE,
seasModelPlot = TRUE,
BaseCurrentMeanPlot = TRUE,
adjustedPlot = FALSE,
gamSeasonFocus = TRUE
output from procedure gamTest
analytical specifications
GAM # for displaying full GAM (e.g., 0, 1, 2)
GAM # for displaying seasonally average GAM
GAM # for displaying seasonal GAM
plot predicted baseline mean ('regular') or adjusted baseline mean ('adjusted')
logical field indicating whether to plot observations
logical field indicating whether to plot interventions (e.g., method changes)
logical field indicating whether to plot seasonal average GAM
logical field indicating whether to plot confidence interval for seasonal average GAM
logical field indicating whether to plot significant increasing and decreasing trends for seasonal average GAM
logical field indicating whether to plot full GAM
logical field indicating whether to plot seasonal GAM
logical field indicating whether to plot baseline and current mean
logical field indicating whether to plot adjusted model
logical field indicating whether to plot focus on season mean
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Specify parameter and station to analyze
dep <- 'do'
stat <- 'CB5.4'
layer <- 'B'
# Prepare data and set up specifications for analysis
dfr <- analysisOrganizeData (dataCensored)
df <- dfr[[1]]
analySpec <- dfr[[2]]
# Apply gamTest
gamResult <- gamTest(df, dep, stat, layer, analySpec=analySpec)
gamPlotDisp(gamResult = gamResult, analySpec = analySpec,
fullModel = 2, seasAvgModel = 2, seasonalModel = 2,
diffType = "regular", obserPlot = TRUE, interventionPlot = TRUE,
seasAvgPlot = TRUE, seasAvgConfIntPlot = FALSE,
seasAvgSigPlot = FALSE, fullModelPlot = TRUE, seasModelPlot = TRUE,
BaseCurrentMeanPlot = FALSE, adjustedPlot = FALSE)
# Apply gamTestSeason
gamResult2 <- gamTestSeason(df, dep, stat, layer, analySpec=analySpec,
gamSeasonPlot = c("7/15-8/15", "purple", "range"))
gamPlotDispSeason(gamResult = gamResult2, analySpec = analySpec,
fullModel = 2, seasAvgModel = 2, seasonalModel = 2,
diffType = "regular", obserPlot = TRUE, interventionPlot = TRUE,
seasAvgPlot = TRUE, seasAvgConfIntPlot = FALSE,
seasAvgSigPlot = FALSE, fullModelPlot = FALSE, seasModelPlot = FALSE,
BaseCurrentMeanPlot = TRUE, adjustedPlot = FALSE, gamSeasonFocus = TRUE)
} # }