All functions |
Analysis Organization & Data Preparation |
baytrends: Long Term Water Quality Trend Analysis |
Document Processing Time and Other Session Time |
Calculate GAM residuals |
Chesapeake Bay Program Monitoring Data, 1985-2016 |
Create Seasonally Detrended Flow Data Set |
Create Seasonally Detrended Salinty Data Set |
Compute an estimate of difference based on GAM results |
Plot censored gam fits vs. time |
Plot censored gam fits vs. time |
Perform GAM analysis |
Perform GAM analysis for Specified Season |
Impute Censored Values |
Impute Censored Values in dataframes |
Aggregate data layers |
Layer List |
Load/Clean CSV and TXT Data File |
Load/Clean Excel sheet |
Load Built-in GAM formulas |
Load Built-in GAM formulas for calculating residuals |
Convert dataframe to include survival (Surv) objects |
Compute the Number of Non-Missing Observations |
Parameter List |
Salinity data |
Save R object to disk |
Select data for analysis from a larger data frame |
Chesapeake Bay Program long-term tidal monitoring stations |
Converts Surv object into a 3-column matrix |
Converts Surv objects in a dataframe to "lo" and "hi" values |
USGS Gages |