Impute value for multiply censored data.
impute(x, imputeOption = "mid")
vector where x is transformed into a simple numeric variable
The imputeOption values of "lower"
, "upper"
and "mid"
impute the lower limit, upper limit, and midpoint between the lower and upper
limit. In the context of typical water quality data, these options would be
equivalent to zero, detection limit and 1/2 detection limit substitution.
Options for substituting the normal ["norm"
] or lognormal
] expectation can also be used.
, unSurvDF
, unSurv
, imputeDF
, imputeDF
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
x <- dataCensored[1:20,"tdp"]
x.lower <- impute(x,'lower')
x.mid <- impute(x,'mid')
x.upper <- impute(x,'upper')
x.norm <- impute(x,'norm')
x.lnorm <- impute(x,'lnorm')
} # }