This function aggregates data layers. Steps: 1) Perform first level error checking to make sure that the data set contains 'layer' and valid aggregation option was selected. 2) Perform second level error checking to make sure the aggregation option selection makes sense (e.g. cannot aggregate "S" and "AP" if no "AP" data are in the data set). 3) Average the data by taking the median or mean based on user input.

layerAggregation(df, avgTechnique = "mean", layerAggOption = 3)



data frame


method for aggregating data ("mean" [default], "median")


(0[default]: no aggregation; 1: combine "S" & "AP" ("SAP"); 2: combine "B" & "BP" ("BBP"); 3: opt 1 & 2 ("SAP", "BBP"); 4: combine all ("ALL")); 5: combine "S" and "B" ("SB")


data frame with aggregated data


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
dfr    <- analysisOrganizeData(dataCensored)

# retrieve all corrected chlorophyll-a concentrations for Station CB5.4,
# missing values are removed and transformation applied. Note, a 
# warning is displayed indicating that data set has layers but user did
# not specify layer in retrieval. layerAggregation then aggregates per 
# specifications
dfr2   <- selectData(dfr[["df"]], 'chla', 'CB5.4', analySpec=dfr[["analySpec"]])
df2    <- dfr2[[1]]   # data frame of selected data
iSpec2 <- dfr2[[2]]   # meta data about selected data
df2a   <- layerAggregation(df2, avgTechnique="mean", layerAggOption=4)
} # }