Compute the number of non-missing observations. Provides a 'default' method to handle vectors, and a method for data frames.
nobs(object, ...)
Calculate the number of observations in `object`.
* For numeric vectors, this is simply the number of non-NA elements, as computed by `sum(!`.
* For dataframe objects, the result is a vector containing the number of non-NA elementes of each column.
The `nobs` and `nobs.lm` functions defined in gtools are simply aliases for the functions in the base R `stats` package, provided for backwards compatibility.
`baytrends` borrowed `gdata::nobs` 'as is' to avoid being archived in 2020.
The base R package `stats` now provides a S3 dispatch function for nobs, and methods for for objects of classes "lm", "glm", "nls" and "logLik", as well as a default method.
Since they provided a subset of the the functionality, the base method dispatch (nobs) function and method for "lm" objects (`nobs.lm`) are, as of gdata version 2.10.1, simply aliases for the equivalent functions in the base R `stats` package.
Since `gdata`'s default method (`nobs.default`) processes vectors and hands any other data/object types to `stats:::nobs.default`.